About Us

Why Us?

SYS IT was founded with the commitment to create high-quality and affordable custom software applications as a service. Our approach is different. We deliver a custom application to the customer rapidly, then they start working with their app and tell us what they want changed. We repeat this process over a short period of time until the app is refined to be exactly what the customer needs. Using this approach we actually create an application that solves the problem, instead of creating more frustration. This is a great fit for mid-sized businesses to large companies because it eliminates the need for additional resources, such as new employees to manage the application, servers, or the infrastructure to house the equipment.


 We have over fifteen years of customer service experience in the industry, building and supporting large-scale web-based workflow applications. We are passionate about bringing long-term solutions to any size business or organisation, and working with them to be successful now and in the future.


We currently manage and provide services to companies in Australia, New Zealand and The United Kingdom.


Our Mission

Our mission is simple: to design and develop high-quality, affordable, user-friendly software usuable by everyone. We believe we can change how people view software by replacing frustrating one-size-fits-all products with a dynamic solution tailored to each business. Rather than becoming dated as time passes, our solutions grow and change with the business as its processes evolve. The result is a stress-free software experience that makes work easier and more enjoyable. This kind of cost-effective solution that people will want to use makes replacing paper processes and manual data entry a truly viable option for organisations of any size, allowing them to save on printing costs, reduce paper use, and work more effectively.

Let us help you solve your critical IT needs, from developing software, technical support and fully managed services.